Friday, October 31, 2008


Giant beard? Check. Red checkered shirt? Check. Big ax? We can make that. Blue ox costume? Umm....

None the less, for your and everyone in Soldotna Alaska's viewing pleasure, I present, Paul Bunyan and Babe the blue ox!

Don't be too alarmed. And if you are, don't worry, so was everyone else who saw me. Especially the little kids. Oy. However, to my credit, we did put this together in one hour! Ha.

cute feet!
However, as scary as I looked, I'm nothing if not stuborn, and I'll be damned if I'm going to make a costume as awesome as a giant blue ox and not go through with wearing it! So we went out with Oliver's neices and nephew, and followed them around gathering candy, confusing little kids and getting "oooos" and "ahhhs" from adults who know their midwestern folklore. To those people, thank you.

The little punkin heads: Alexis: Hannah Montana, Keegan: Thomas the Train, and McKenzie: SuperGirl (who says the belt goes on your waist, it fits much better as a crown)


Jenn said...

I remembered this evening that you had a blog and that I had saved it in my emails. So I started at the bottom of the blogs and read my way up. I must say you have been a very busy bee. Olivers bread did look nice but nothing is better than dense bread, yummy. I cannot tell you how excited I am for you to come in December. I could really use a good adventure or strange mischief with a good friend. You really must fill me in on the little details that is life in Alaska. I kinda want to invite myself up there so I can befriend a Stoat. Oh yeah I would like a Stoat for christmas please, oh yes a Stoat... Loves and Hugs!

miss mariss said...

Hey, I love you and I love that you got a blog you blog tons! I wish I was that good at it, any way you should come see me and all my sisters blog. And by the way you are going to be added as one of my blogging buddies. Talk to you later.

Macks and Knickknacks said...

Hi Danielle! I'm so glad your mom gave me a link to your blog yesterday so now I can see more of your life! Come see mine if you want! I am so impressed that Oliver bakes! That just floors me because you don't see very many men that do that nowadays! I love you girl!

Jen FitzGerald said...

Holy Hell! I never knew you had a blog! I'm so excited to read it now. But I am afraid of the blue ox costume.