Saturday, November 1, 2008


The 31st of October is our anniversary, so Oliver and I decided to head down to the Homer spit and have some fun. Plus, I had a surprise to show him at the Salty Dog Saloon (this may be spelled, Salty Dawg). The weather was great, with bright sun on the water and a balmy 37 degrees.

Sadly, Homer being a tourist town, and tourists mainly exisiting in Alaska in the summer, everything, even the bar, was closed down. Two things were open, a bead shop and the visitors center. So we went to the bead shop and talked to the lady there for quite some time, who was very nice. She recommended the FREE visitors center, which has just been redone.

So off to the visitor's center we went. It was really neat and we had a fun time until we realized we were going to be late for Halloween shinanigans and got back on the road to Soldotna.

Oliver playing kissy face with a seal
You can't tell from the photo, but the grey screens in the background were live videos of seals on the beach! It was a really cool idea.

Me with some seagulls
A gorgeous painting

So, despite Homer being shut down, we had a lovely day and a great roadtrip. Happy one year anniversary to us!
