Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Frozen Lake Canoe Trip

Since we have been cooped up either in the house or the yard for so long, we decided to take a walk to the lake and go canoeing. However, we did not expect to find that the lake was indeed frozen.
Being the people that we are, we decided not to let this discourage us, and, with me at the front chopping a path and Oliver at the rear providing sheer strength, we forged our way out into the lake.

Here I am with my paddle stuck in the ice

Eventually the ice was too thick to paddle through any longer, but we did not turn back until we had seen the trumpeter swans! We guessed there were about 45 swimming out in the deep part of the lake (that of course we couldn't get to) making a huge racket and preparing to continue their migration.

We paddled back through our trail in the ice, then made a little hike around this peninsula to get a closer look at the swans.

See those little white dots in the distance? Swans. Oh yeah! But really, they were neat, and we could see and hear them well despite being so far away. Hurray for frozen canoe trips!
