Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Snow!

This morning I woke up, stretched, and peeked out the window to find.... SNOW!!! Inches and inches of the stuff. So exciting!

This is the view looking out towards the ocean from the deck

Another view from the deck, facing the Coho Cabin

The snow got so thick, it began to slide off the roof in great sheets

As the snow slides off the roof periodically, it makes this great loud "whoosh" that sounds a lot like great big animals mucking about outside. To complete the picture, they fall off from all sides, one after the other. At night, this makes it sound like the house is being surrounded by killer bears, closing in for the ambush!

Oliver encourages these thoughts, especially when the generator is off and the power is dead. Not helping matters is the story he first told me during one of these dark scary nights. Apparently, one year David and two of the crew were watching a scary movie in the living room. Right at the scariest moment when the bad guy jumps out, a bear came crashing in the hallway door, ran around breaking things, then rushed back out into the darkness!

Not to worry though, I carry a headlamp and a fire poker around at all times, for just such occasions. ;)
