Saturday, March 28, 2009

More activity

Redoubt has been busy. It errupted last night (early this morning) around 1:30am, this afternoon at 1:40pm, then at again at 3:29pm! Here is the latest photo taken near Homer:

And apparently last night during the early morning erruption we also had crazy lightening striking the mountain!

Here is a photo of the ash plume from Homer:

Pretty crazy happenings. Oliver is out shooting his rifle, but since the ash is now supposed to be heading to Soldotna, he is trying to get home. I hope there isn't too much. Messy stuff, that ash.

You can check out more photos (these are all from the avo website)

Love, Danielle


Macks and Knickknacks said...

Wow! That lightening is amazing and strange! I hope you and Oliver are still save and sound. Also, I have added you to my sidebar on my blog. I kept forgetting to. Love ya!