Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I keep telling myself I will start posting again as soon as I get some photos organized. However, I'm coming to realize I will probably never post again if I use that excuse. So here I am, with no pictures but at least a little to say.

Today we are going out searching for cheap cars. We have realized that I will need some sort of vehicle if there is to be any chance of me getting a job. Also, if Oliver is looking at buying another car anyways, in case his breaks down.

SO, Oliver is looking for a "good car" for around $1000. A "good car" is one that is sturdy and has a good engine and that he knows how to work on. I am looking for a "crap car" for around $0-$100. A "crap car" is one that runs, or is close to running with $100-$200 worth of parts, and that could be cute if painted on with sharpies. I figure a car like that would pay itself off within a few weeks of work and be worth it.

If Oliver finds what he is looking for, that would be great. I could have a car to drive around and he would have his back-up for when his old car finally dies. If he doesn't, I will try my darndest to find something that runs for awhile for really cheap. So far I've found a 1991 Sundance in Anchorage for.... FREE. Also, it needs a new fuel injector. ALSO, it is my favorite color, the color I love everything in. Alright!

There seem to be a lot of cars in Alaska that are beat up and people just don't want to deal with anymore. Hopefully we can benefit from this!